Results Matter
- Passed a $209 million education bond with 80% state reimbursement
- Fully Funded the Danbury Public Schools Budget for FY 2023-2024
- Executed multiple school renovations and improvements
- Worked collaboratively with our Board of Education like never before
- Awarded $1.2 million to social services, nonprofits & public safety agencies under the CARES Act, and $600,000 under the Community Development Block Grant
- Renovated the Danbury Support Center to reopen this winter
- Hired and promoted dozens of Danbury Police Officers
- Purchased two new fire trucks
- Provided free citywide vaccination clinics
- Investing $32 million in infrastructure, public safety, youth & family programs, and small businesses under the American Rescue Plan Act
- Continued support for outdoor dining
- Launched Business Wednesday to promote Danbury businesses of all sizes
- Launched the Everbridge emergency alert system
- Created a more transparent, user-friendly City website
- Hired the City of Danbury’s first Public Information Officer
- Produced This Week in the City to highlight the inner-workings of City government

Supporting our students
Since day one, education has been my top priority.
By fully funding the Board of Education’s request for $150M, we will fundamentally transform education for our children. With the creation of a wall-to-wall district-wide career pathways curriculum and the opening of the Academies of Danbury, we will make our education system the best it can be for generations to come.
Keeping Danbury affordable
My administration made the decision to lower the mill rate by 17% (4.89 mills) to 23.33 mills to offset the property value increases homeowners may incur as a result of the state mandated revaluation. Danbury residents will have a lower mill rate than all the surrounding towns and communities, and doing so will solidify our position as the best place to live, work, and raise a family in Connecticut.
Addressing public safety
My administration has hired a record number of new Police Officers and has provided the Fire Department with the resources they need to keep Danbury safe. Public safety also includes ensuring individual and multifamily residences are properly zoned, inspected, and have the appropriate number of parking spaces to keep the entire community safe.
Ensuring Danbury gets its fair share
I want to find every penny possible for the City of Danbury.
- I have been a champion of accelerating the new Educational Cost Sharing Grant Formula and will continue to advocate for Danbury’s fair share of educational dollars from the State of Connecticut.
- Working with our Tax Collector, we will ensure that all out of state and new vehicles that are parked in Danbury will be registered and taxed by the City
- I have established the Office of Federal, State and Local Grant Opportunities to serve as the center-point for the City to explore all possible funding opportunities, and to serve as a hub to nonprofits and businesses to pursue grants at all levels of government.
Investing in infrastructure
Renewing our focus on developing Downtown Danbury. This includes moving forward with our efforts to establish a train connecting the Southeast line to Danbury, and continuing to grow our already successful in-person community and cultural events.
My administration is also investing in the City’s infrastructure by improving our water system and sewage treatment process which has not been upgraded since 1984.